Funded by the Independent Development Fund, the project aimed to promote inclusion of Persons with
The project, implemented in partnership with Leonard Cheshire Disability with a funding from the European
The two year project funded by the European Union aimed at improving inclusion of Persons
The project advocates for increased participation of Persons with Disabilities in gainful employment both formal
The project advocates for increased participation of Persons with Disabilities in gainful employment both formal
With support from Leonard Cheshire Disability and the European Union CSU implemented a three-year livelihood
Funded by the European Union, the project aimed at equipping young people with disabilities in
The 1-year project funded by European Trust Fund through the Belgian Development Agency – ENABEL
The project aimed to improve sanitation for children with disabilities and the surrounding communities of
The project aimed to improve sanitation for children with disabilities and the surrounding communities of
The project aimed to improve sanitation for children with disabilities and the surrounding communities of
The project was implemented in 22 schools in Buikwe and Budaka districts with funding from
The Girls’ Education Challenge project – innovation phased aimed to pilot on what works to
The project is supporting 500 out of school children with disabilities to enroll back into
All-in, All Learning Project is implemented in Amolatar District. The project aims to improve access