Bridging Disability and Development   

Young Voices Project on the Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities

The project, implemented in partnership with Leonard Cheshire Disability with a funding from the European Union aimed to build the capacity of young people with disabilities (age group 16-25  years)  to  advocate  for  the  domestication  and  implementation  of  the  United  Nations Convention  on  the  Rights of  Persons  with  Disabilities  (UNCRPD)  and  other  relevant  local legislations promoting the rights of PWDs.  The project reached out to 75 Young People with Disabilities in Budaka, Buikwe and Wakiso districts through capacity building training in advocacy and  campaign  skills,  media  engagement,  awareness  raising,  communication  skills,  legislations, among others.  This has greatly increased the ability of young PWDs to engage with local leaders for example in Buikwe district 2 young people with disabilities were elected speaker and deputy Mayor for Nkokonjeru Town Council, the Buikwe district administration block, Nkokonjeru Parish church, Sancta Maria Primary Teachers College and Nkokonjeru Hospital were adapted following young people campaign for accessibility to public places.

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