Bridging Disability and Development
Bridging Disability and Development
We promote rights-based education for Children and Young People with Disabilities through Inclusive Education. This is done through addressing family, school, policy and child related barriers to participation in education. At family level, we support interventions that help create resilience to enable the child keep in school. At school we support development of inclusive practices that contribute to a child friendly environment for all children regardless of their backgrounds. At policy level, we work to increase engagement with policy makers to support implementation of education policies that contribute to increase in participation of children with disabilities in school. At child level, we help rehabilitate and empower children to prepare them to be in school while building their esteem to co-exist with other children without disabilities in the same school.
All-in, All Learning Project is implemented in Amolatar District. The project aims to improve access to inclusive pre-school education, retention, learning and transition by children with disabilities into primary education as a step to realize their future education prospects. The project will directly support 300 CWDs in the district through direct education support, capacity building of stakeholders, nutrition. The project will, in addition build capacities of service providers to understand issues of disability and development to enable them positively respond to the learning needs of Children with Disabilities. The project is funded by Comic Relief in collaboration with the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) formerly Department For International Development
This second phase of the Girls’ Education Challenge project is aimed at supporting girls to transition from Primary to secondary and post primary and secondary skills training institutions and subsequently into employment. A total of 2063 girls and 500 boys from slum communities of Kampala city are being supported during this 2nd phase of the project. For those still in primary, the goal is to have them complete the primary education cycle during the lifetime of the project. The project is funded by the UK’s Department for International Development (DfID).
The project is supporting 500 out of school children with disabilities to enroll back into school. These include those who have never enrolled into school and those who have dropped out of school in the recent years. The project is funded by Dubai Cares a United Arabs Emirates based foundation.
The Girls’ Education Challenge project – innovation phased aimed to pilot on what works to increase quality participation of girls with disabilities in education. The focus of the project was supporting enrolment, retention and improvement in learning outcomes for girls with disabilities in low income parts of Greater Kampala. The project supported 2089 primary school going girls with disabilities to stay in school and demonstrate learning capacity building of education authorities and teachers on inclusive education and disability; direct support to girls with school related requirements such as fees, scholastic materials, and rehabilitation; capacity building of parents on disability and income generation to contribute to sustainability, school accessibility improvements, school and community awareness raising on disability and education. The Girls’ Education Challenge programme is a UK government funded global programme to effect long lasting and transformative change for vulnerable girls.
The project was implemented in 22 schools in Buikwe and Budaka districts with funding from Rotary International Britain and Ireland. 1404 (673 disabled boys and 731 disabled girls) children with disabilities across the 22 schools were enrolled in addition to 447 (253 disabled boys and194 disabled girls) existing children with a retention rate of 88%. The project has provided amodel for inclusive education that is being emulated by the government of Uganda and other stakeholders including; Ministry of Education and Sports; CSOs/DPOs, development agencies such as DfID.
With support from Leonard Cheshire Disability and the European Union CSU implemented a three-year livelihood project benefiting 1000 people with disabilities in the two districts of Budaka and Buikwe. The project supported vocational and business skills training for 1000 PWDs and prepared them to transition into employment by providing start up kits.
We integrate a number of programme components and approaches to include; Gender Mainstreaming, Safeguarding, Gender and Social Inclusion, Health and Rehabilitation, Climate Change and Environmental Conservation.